Thursday, February 17, 2022

Why Bees Are Important To Us

The bee and wasp removal professionals near Orange County tell us a very well-known fact that seventy-five percent of global crops rely on the pollination of animals, especially bees. In reality, the production of pollinator-dependent crops in the U.S. is estimated at over $50 billion per year! The wasp removal company claims bees are perhaps the most important pollinators for crops and wild plants. 

Most of the food production carried out in the United States depends on the European honey bee, a non-native species, for pollination. Honey bees provide $15 billion in pollination services to North American crops every year. Nevertheless, relying on this one species creates the risk of a predator, parasite, and pathogen development. 

The bee and wasp exterminators company near Orange County explains that managed honey bee colonies slumped 59% from 1949 to 2007, and they probably can’t support our agricultural requirements in the future. Since native bees are not influenced by the same pests and diseases that affect honey bees, they are essential for crop production. Native bees can substitute or change the pollination of crops by honey bees in the United States, yet, half of the native bee species are reducing, and one-quarter are in danger of extinction. To maintain our cherished food supply and biodiversity, we have to protect native bees. 

Native bees supply over three billion dollars in pollination services to the United States every year. Research carried out on crop pollination by honey bees and native bees in New Jersey, and Pennsylvania revealed that wild bee species, on average, plunk down more pollen per visit than honey bees. Other studies show that native bees alone were enough to pollinate watermelon crops of up to ninety-one present. Another study revealed that wild or native pollinators encouraged the fruit set, the proportion of a plant’s flowers that develop into mature fruits, by twice that of honeybees. Wild insects allowed for better-quality pollination than honey bees in this research.

In 2020, further studies report that wild bees deposited 1.5 to 2 times more pollen per visit than honey bees for apple and tart cherry crops, even though honey bee visitation rates were higher. 

Even though the bee removal experts near Orange County understand that native bees are crucial to agriculture and are dropping in numbers, the media unfairly reports the downturn of honey bees when they should be bringing attention to the tight situation that native bees are currently in. 

For the most part, the public doesn’t know much about native bees in general, but they consider bees a critical factor in the environment. 

There are a few things you can do to do your part to help native bees. For instance, planting native plants in gardens will give bees a source of nectar and pollen and will also help specialist native bees who only feed on particular native plants. Furthermore, native plants should be a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes to keep diversity and attract various bee species. Always make sure that a plant is flourishing throughout the year since different bee species are active at other times. 

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